How to access - NHS Consultation


Access - Regardless of where you live

Currently, the NHS is purchasing services from private hospitals, called the free-choices-network. Under the Standard Acute Contract (C&B) any patient in the UK may choose to  come to Mr von Widekind’s Clinic at the Three Shires Hospital, regardless of where they live. 


Mr von Widekind has allocated slots for NHS patients offering them direct access to an advanced keyhole surgeon.

How to access

When you see your GP you need to ask that the Three Shires Hospital option is selected on the NHS computer system at the outset of the referral.

The GP or the administrator needs to specify:

BMI Three Shires Hospital in Northampton

Adult Gynaecology

Thursday pm

From April 2012 you will be able to choose the consultant.


The duration of a consultation is usually 15 minutes per session as this is what the NHS has purchased.

The NHS funding allows  for a 15 minute consultation therefore a  successive visit may have to be booked in order to complete necessary examinations.

Please bring any letters and reports (ultrasound, MRI) from previous consultations as this will save time.  Ask your GP for a copy.

For patients living more than an hour away from Northampton Mr von Widekind will be happy to read and assess letters and reports sent to him and briefly discuss management advice over the phone.

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